Chiropractic Think Tank Launches Website


The West Hartford Group, Inc., (WHG) is a chiropractic think tank dedicated to the advancement of the chiropractic profession in an ethical, responsible, evidence-based way.  The WHG is a pro-active and positive force moving in the direction of cultural, social and professional authority to improve the profession’s standing within the health care system and society.

Some of the members of WHG include such chiropractic notables as Michael Schneider, Richard Vincent, Stephen Perle, Donald R. Murphy, John J. Triano, David Seaman and Lawrence Wyatt.

 The West Hartford Group’s website was launched today.  Soon, position papers and other information will be added to help promote the non-surgical, patient-centered, spinal specialist model embraced by the think tank.  The website is located at:

Why Should Chiropractors Care About the West Hartford Group?







Alright.  There, I’ve said it.  I’ve let the cat out of the bag.  Some of you may already know about the West Hartford Group (WHG).  Some of you may have just heard a rumor that it exists.  Some people knew something was abuzz in the chiropractic profession but didn’t exactly know what it was.  For the past couple of years, we weren’t allowed to talk about it.

Well, now I can tell you.

The West Hartford Group is a chiropractic think tank.  It is a non-profit, non-political group formed to take strong stances on issues that our national and state chiropractic associations are unwilling to tackle.  It has been kept quiet until recently though membership continues to be only by nomination.  The goal of the WHG, essentially, is to advance the chiropractic profession in a responsible, patient-centered, evidence-informed way to create meaningful reform.  Membership includes some of the best minds and researchers in our profession today.  People on the cutting edge of integrative practice and non-surgical spine care.  People who are responsible for many of the positive articles that are published and research that has been generated.

As the WHG becomes more public, much of what has been going on behind the scenes will become more apparant.  There is some exciting stuff coming down the pike and I cannot wait!  There’s lots I still can’t talk about but I will try to give you the scoop when I can.

The chiropractic profession is ready for a huge change and as a recently elected member of the board of directors, I am thrilled to be a part of driving this change!  Got questions?  Comments?  Need to be a part of the change you know is coming?  Let me know!  Make your comments below or drop me a line at

Dr. Brett Kinsler is on the board of directors of the West Hartford Group, an international Chiropractic Think Tank.