Is Warren Hammer a Fasciaist?

Fascia is the newest focus in manual medicine. Those fibrous sheets that surround muscle are proving to be the link to all sorts of musculoskeletal problems. In this podcast episode, I interviewed one of the foremost experts on soft tissue manipulation who is bringing some groundbreaking techniques on fascial manipulation to the United States for the first time.

Excited about his recent work with well-known Italian physical therapist Luigi Stecco, Dr. Warren Hammer brings his 50 year experience in chiropractic and soft tissue procedures to his candid talk with me on our On The Other Hand podcast.

The episode can be found on iTunes or here.

Think you know all about chiropractors? Think again.


Interview published on the On The Other Hand podcast series by Rochester, NY chiropractor Dr. Brett L. Kinsler.

Tom Hyde, DC is Sports Chiropractic.

Photo of Tom Hyde, DC

Dr. Tom Hyde co-developed Functional and Kinetic Treatment with Rehabilitation, Provocation and Motion (FAKTR-PM).

Tom Hyde, DC has had so many accomplishments and he discusses several of them in an episode of our podcast including how he helped to incorporate chiropractors into the world of professional sports.  Hyde talks about how the barriers were broken to get chiropractic services to Olympic athletes, how he became the chiropractic physician for the Miami Dolphins and he discusses the procedure he co-developed, called FAKTR-PM.

FAKTR-PM stands for “Functional And Kinetic Treatment with Rehabilitation, Provocation and Motion.” It was developed to help speed recovery from chronic musculoskeletal pain syndromes and has also been shown to work extremely well on acute musculoskeletal/fascial conditions.

In 1987, Tom Hyde became the first chiropractor to be accepted to the volunteer program for chiropractors at the United States Olympic Training Center, in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and was subsequently selected to serve as the official chiropractor for the 1987 Pan American Games. In 2001, Hyde was inducted to the Hall of Fame of the Sports Council of the American Chiropractic Association.  In 2002, he was named “Sports Chiropractor of the Year” by the Florida Chiropractic Association Sports Injury Council.  He was named “Person of the Year” by Dynamic Chiropractic in 2009.

He is an avid mountain climber and will soon be going to Kilimanjaro for the 3rd time.  He invited podcast listeners to join him on the climb.

His website will be changed in January 2011 to

Find the podcast and show notes at or look for us on iTunes.


Functional and Kinetic Treatment with Rehabilitation, Provocation and Motion (FAKTR-PM).

Photo of Tom Hyde, DC

Dr. Tom Hyde co-developed Functional and Kinetic Treatment with Rehabilitation, Provocation and Motion (FAKTR-PM).

Hopsital Based Chiropractor Ian Paskowski on the Podcast!

Ian Paskowski, DC is the medical director of the medical spine care program at Jordan Hospital.  In this episode of On The Other Hand, he discusses delivering high quality spine care in a community based hospital and the future of this type of multi-disciplinary program.  He stresses that the program’s success hinges on patient centered care and in following the NCQA Back Pain Recognition Program guidelines as well as implementing best practices from the medical literature.  Practicing in an environment where medical specialties work together and chiropractors act in back pain triage has proven itself successful for Dr. Paskowski and his medical back pain program.

Find the podcast on iTunes or wherever fine evidence influenced podcasts are offered.  Direct link.

Podcast interview conducted by me, Dr. Brett L. Kinsler, skeptical Rochester chiropractor, blogger and one generally curious cat.

Chiropractic’s Relationship With Research


Chiropractor Shawn Thistle discusses chiropractic's relationship with research on the On The Other Hand Podcast.

Chiropractor Shawn Thistle discusses chiropractic's relationship with research on the On The Other Hand Podcast.

Chiropractors have an interesting relationship with research. Some part of the profession uses it to properly guide the manner in which we make clinical decisions.  Some chiropractors only use research when it agrees with what we are already doing to reinforce our decisions. Some use it as marketing tool — no matter how weak the evidence may be.  And some chiropractors ignore research entirely.

I had to opportunity to speak with Dr. Shawn Thistle from Research Review Service.  His company acts to distill down some of the more important research for field practitioners and translate it into a format that is easier to understand and use.  Something like an electronic journal watch personalized for chiropractors. Since he straddles the line between active practice and research liaison, he sits in a unique vantage point.

Dr. Thistle and I spoke on an episode of the On The Other Hand Podcast which can be found on iTunes or here. He also offered listeners to the podcast a discount code if they are interested in his review service subscription.  Enter “OTOH” (which stands for the title of the podcast) during checkout and you can save 25% on subscription fees.  I have no part of this arrangement  –I’m  just passing it along as a friendly thank you to my blog readers and podcast listeners. Enjoy.

Podcast interview conducted by Dr. Brett L. Kinsler.

Just take your vitamin D so we can stop talking about it already

cool hand luke egg scene

"No man can eat fifty eggs"

I know, I know. We’re all sick of vitamin D.  Headline after headline tells us that we don’t get enough, we need to make sure our levels are adequate, that our kids get enough….yada, yada, yaaaawn.

Americans tend to overdue things.  As a nation, we eat too much, we watch too much television, we take too many meds and in general, rely too heavily on ‘supplements’ to catch up with our dietary shortcomings.  And for the most part, the benefits are too few anyhow.  Deep down, we know what to do and study after study confirms what is essentially common sense: eat good food, exercise and don’t smoke.  And that works really well, providing everything the body needs in the right doses and combinations.  What did you say? You knew there was a catch? Yes, you’re very smart.

Take your seats, class.  We’re going to have a quick review of the benefits of Vitamin D:

  • important for bone strength (helps calcium get into and stay in our bones)
  • reduces the risk of seemingly unrelated disease processes like cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cognitive impairment
  • may reduce risk of childhood asthma

Wow. That sounds like some really important stuff.  I rather like my bones unbroken, my heart beating properly, my pancreas unsweetened, my kids non-asthmatic and my cog to be unimpaired (unless purposely impaired with a nice single malt scotch).

How do we know if we need vitamin D and how can we get it? Sorry to pop your gym going, vegan diet eating non-smoking balloon but if you live north of say, Los Angeles or Atlanta, chances are you need it from April to September and really need it from October to March.  Those living in sunnier climates can get enough from sun exposure (about 15-30 minutes a day depending on the pigmentation level of skin).  The rest of us need to get it from our diet or through supplements.  As a general rule, we need 1000-2000 IUs per day.  Some experts recommend less and to just prevent vitamin D deficiency you can take less.  Some recommend taking larger doses but it can build up in the body so for most people, staying in the 1000-2000 IUs per day range will probably give you all the benefits.

Okay, let’s go with the dietary route then.  Usually that’s a better idea than taking supplements, right? What do you have to eat?   According to my  reliable information sources the list of Vitamin D rich foods looks like this: egg yolks, cod liver oil, salmon and other oily fish.  Uh oh.

Remember when eggs were healthy, and then they weren’t and now they are sometimes in small amounts for some people?  For a moment let’s forget about the 212 mg of cholesterol in a large egg and forget about the 5 g of total fat, and completely ignore the link between animal protein and cancer and let’s just look at vitamin D, okay?  One large egg provides (the yolk is where the vitamin D is so egg whites don’t count)…..18-20 IUs.  How can that possibly be a good source of vitamin D?  You would have to eat more than 50 eggs (everyday!) to even come close to 1000 IUs! Didn’t we learn anything from Cool Hand Luke? Ain’t nobody ever eat 50 eggs!  Yet, there they are — on the “top ten foods for vitamin D” lists.  As Miles Monroe might have told us, that’s a big omelette.

Salmon, then, we can eat some salmon.  A three and a half ounce serving of (farmed) salmon has about 245-320 IUs of vitamin D.   Should you decide to splurge and buy wild salmon the same size serving can give you up to 988 IUs.   Although, I don’t think there is any responsible nutritional source that suggests eating any kind of fish everyday or even every other day.   The FDA states that nearly all seafood and shellfish have traces of mercury and/or methylmercury.  Many have more than a trace and can contain unsafe levels of contaminants and are often high in mercury and other environmental toxins that have no place in a healthy diet. Fish also contain no fiber and are high in animal protein, and often, in saturated fat and cholesterol. Hmmm….sounds like a fishy plan to me.

Other sources of vitamin D: fortified foods.  In other words, foods that have nutrients added back in when they are done processing it.  One cup of fortified milk or orange juice has about 100 IUs.  Again, no one should be drinking 10 cups of either of these a day.

No matter how you do this math, you cannot eat your way out of a vitamin D deficiency.  Unless you live in the right climate year round and spend part of everyday walking in the sun with no sunscreen, make a vitamin D supplement part of your daily habit — at least during the darker parts of the year.

Brett L. Kinsler and Michalene Elliott are Rochester Chiropractors who take vitamin D supplements but will happily be guest speakers in tropical locations so they don’t have to.  Their website is

My Letter to the Editor in Chiro Trade Pub




Just came across a letter I wrote a while ago to Dynamic Chiropractic that was published earlier this month…I must have missed it. Link is here and the letter is reprinted below:

Decompression: Thanks for Separating Fact From Myth

Dear Editor:

Thank you for Dr. Edwards’ article on nonsurgical spinal decompression (“Decompression Facts, Myths and Hyperbole, Part 3,” Sept. 23 DC). It is so refreshing to read an article about decompression that isn’t filled with marketing exaggeration, false claims of superiority and invented statistics. Dr. Edwards (and Dr. Dan Kennedy) present decompression for what it is: an expensive treatment that is similar to other traction devices in its effectiveness. I would like to see more real-world device examinations and debunking of chiropractic myths in future issues of DC.

Brett L. Kinsler, DC
Rochester, NY


The fact is, that happened to be a decent article and is worth reading.  Much of what shows up in the trade mags is either the same old drivel or else not worth the time it takes to read.  Once in a while we get surprised by a quality piece.